Though Tristan has always been a very determined young lad, as he approaches his 2nd birthday we have noticed a marked change in his desire for independence. While this transition is natural and to be expected, nonetheless it caught us a little by surprise when our sweet boy started giving us strong feedback on what he would or would not do! Here is a picture back from the end of August where we first noticed this new element to his personality. We were leaving a water park where he had been playing with his friend Adah, when Tristan decided he did not need to hold our hand on the way back. Interestingly, he anticipated this request, because neither Maranda or I had asked him to hold our hand yet on the walk back. As we were walking I was puzzled by his arms clasped tightly around his body and a stern look on his face. When I finally asked him to hold my hand on the sidewalk to cross the street he vigorously shook his head and clenched his arms even tighter. Then it clicked what this odd behavior was all about (I hadn't been sure if he was cold or what!). We both are still laughing at this moment caught on camera!
I think it is amazing to see a young personality unfolding and a little person striving to individuate themselves. It really is a stunningly beautiful process when I can find the separation from the pressures of parenting to take it in!