Saturday, March 19, 2011

Moving Blog Location to Tumblr

I had contemplated moving away from Blogger for quite some time and have finally made the leap. Thanks to a nifty tool I was able to import my entire blogger history into Tumblr. My feedburner feed is also re-mapped to the new Tumblr location, so most folks should not need to make any changes to their RSS feed subscription.

The new location for the Tennysonian blog is here: If you are reading this message which is modified for my old blogger location, then your RSS subscription will need manually repointed. For those who receive the automatic e-mails from my blog this feature will continue to be available as the feed you are subscribed to has been migrated (read, you don't have to do anything to keep receiving the e-mails).

In theory this means more posts in the coming days, especially as tumblr gives me the freedom to put small bits of content up when a full blog post feels daunting.

For Heaven's Sake!

I came into the house and found Maranda and the boys playing UNO a few minutes ago. I briefly interrupted the game to talk to Mommy. After enduring the interruption for as long as he was able, Kieran blurted out "MOM, for heaven's sake do you have a yellow nine!!!" LOL

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A bug playing chess in my ear

Tristan, who turned two in December, was rubbing his ear today and had the following conversation.

Tristan: "My ear hurts"
Maranda: "I am sorry it hurts, do you have an earache?"
Tristan: "Yeah" pause "There's a bug in my ear"
Maranda: "Oh my, a bug in your ear!"
Tristan: "Yeah, it's walking around!"
Maranda: "Walking around! That must really tickle!"
Tristan: "Yeah. It's playing pawns too" (pawns = chess)