Thursday, November 29, 2007

Visit from "Aunt" Tara

Dear friend Tara Ryan came and visited us in D.C. this past weekend. It was great to have some time to visit and catch up. Tara was one of two friends that toured France and Italy with Maranda and I in 2003. She is also our official fashion muse (we cleaned out all "dated" clothing from our closets with her input)! Kieran had a blast getting to know his "Aunt" Tara, as they listened to lots of up tempo music and had hours of dancing and playing. Some of my favorite memories from her visit include a fierce argument between Kieran and Tara whether a white fluffy animal was a "poodle" or a "sheep," with Kieran standing his ground on the sheep identity between fits of laughter.

One legacy that is likely to endure was Tara introducing Kieran to the song "I Want Candy." He now regularly (hourly) asks for that song and sings it in full voice with animated dancing (I assume to impersonate the sugar high induced by candy consumption). So the last couple nights when Kieran has asked to skip dinner and eat candy instead, my thoughts have fondly turned to Aunt Tara...

Here are some good shots taken by Tara during her trip. See her facebook album as well.


Unknown said...


Kieran is such a big boy now?!
It has been a long time since the last time I saw him in Singapore.
And he is cuter now.

Tara said...

I miss Kieran already! Let's skype soon!

Sara K. said...

How fun! I am an "aunt" to a few sweet kiddos myself and it is nice to see such great "aunt" moments! -S