Thursday, May 10, 2007

Excavation "success"

Well, Kieran and Daddy successfully managed to carve out a large flat area in our precipitous backyard. Everything went off without a hitch except for a "minor" repair to our septic main line. Seems the original installers of the septic system did not anticipate the lawn needs of future owners 20 years later, idiots!!

The work with the bobcat made a big impression on the yard and an even bigger impression on Kieran. He has quite literally not stopped talking about it, miming with his hands as he says "Daddy drive it scoop dig dump...." and the like. If only I had known I could be my son's hero for a paltry $400 Bobcat rental, I would have done this months ago!! Now I just need to figure out my wife...

1 comment:

Mike Croghan said...

Yeah...good luck with that, mein freund. ;-)