Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kieran Words

Kieran is talking very well now, using five and six word sentences. Here are some words that he doesn't have quite down.

Padatiller = Caterpillar
Mococytal = Motorcycle
Hepicotter = Helicopter
Zukit = Music
Gnulk = Milk
Tract-ear = Tractor
Wototidder = Rototiller
Wonower or Wonmower = Lawnmower
Cut Tree "vvvvv" = Chainsaw
Backsetball = Basketball
Nuggow = Snuggle
Ky (fly) = Airplane
Heepo or Heepopotnus = Hippopotamus
Piddow = Pillow

The one we've heard most often lately is "Tract-ear". We rented a Bobcat three weeks ago and Kieran has been thinking of nothing else since. He searches for tractors everywhere we go: real tractors, pictures of tractors, lawnmowers, trucks, dump trucks, trailers, garbage trucks. Its all very exciting. We've heard "Tractir, daddy drive it, vvvvvv, beep, beep, beep, scoop, dump" over and over again.

Kieran has also become proficient at identifying the sounds of these machines. If we hear a noise, he knows right away if it is a chainsaw, lawnmower, motorcycle, large truck, or tractor and offers the correct label. Then, he looks up at mommy and says "Find it?" and starts walking.

Its very cute how he asks for things. He says "Mommy, nuggow it baby?", or "Hode it, baby?" When he gets tired he asks, "Piddow, banket, nuggow it baby?"

I wish we could get some of this on video, but he hides!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

When When Salma wants to sleep she says: "mommy, Salma ghumabe (sleepy). Salma dudu cabo (drink milk)." So sweet!