Thursday, October 25, 2007

Little Face at the Window

I love your little face at the window in the morning. When I sneak out of the house, only to hear padded feet coming down the hallway behind. A sleepy eyed face turned up to mine, "you going to work daddy?" Yes my son, Daddy is going to work. I love you so much and I will miss you today. My heart melts at the sincere response, "Daddy, I love you at work..." My little boy, give me a big hug and a kiss, then stand on the chair and watch out the window while Daddy drives away. A little face at the window silently watches me as I back out of the drive. My heart tugs me back toward the house, but my mind intervenes and I inevitably turn the wheels down the road...


WMS said...

That is beautiful. I can see the little guy's cute eyes peaking out at you. :)

Sara K. said...

How sweet! I bet that makes going to work EVEN more challenging! -S