Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tristan - Day 476

Tristan is coming up on 16 months old and he is quite the fearless and energetic boy. He is also very, very determined. In fact, if I had to pick only two words to describe Tristan right now, I would choose fearless and determined. He is quite the climber and is on top of anything and everything he can pull himself up onto, which are increasingly high locations.

He LOVES to push things, especially the laundry basket. He will push the laundry basket up and down the hallway with glee. Almost anything that can be slid can end up taking a trip with a determined toddler leaning into one side. He is quite adept at maneuvering out of corners, replete with grunting and heavy breathing!

Tristan loves books these days and brings books to use constantly! Often he will walk up to me or Maranda with a book, turn around several steps away, back up and plop down holding the book up for us to read (which is followed by an insistent "uh uh uh" if we don't comply!). His favorite book has a picture of a butterfly on one page. Maranda showed him how to make a butterfly with your hands and every time he sees that page he gets a huge grin and clasps his hands together moving them in and out in wing motions.

Probably my favorite thing about Tristan is that he is a snuggler! His older brother was always hard to catch still, so extended snuggling sessions were sometimes hard to come by. Tristan loves to snuggle and since he was very small will lay his face against your neck or shoulder and press his little body in tight!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is super cute! I love him!