Sunday, April 15, 2007

Daddy's Poem to Kieran

Daddy read this poem to Kieran during the baptism.

Kieran my son I love you

I love how you scamper to meet me at the door
After a long day at work.
I love your enthusiastic kisses
Even if I sometimes bribe you for them.

I love your relentless quest for 'nandy and cookies,
You have your daddies sweet tooth.
I am amazed at your love for animals,
Owls, Monkeys, Chickens, puppies, and Pigs.

I love your adventurous spirit,
As you woke up each morning in Singapore
Exclaiming go, go, as you pointed to the door,
Eager to see what the day had in store.

I love how when you are outside
Playing with the 'buppies
I hear your enthusiastic discovery

I am thrilled to my very core
When you ask Mommy and Daddy
To both snuggle you on the bed
Laying with a small arm resting on Daddy.

I love how you help Mommy cook,
Standing next to her on a chair,
Covered with flour as you help
Her crack the eggs

Your love for trucks and
Especially motorcycles makes me smile.
A rumbling Harley will leave you
Excitedly chattering for minutes.

I am amazed at how you exclaim “wowww,”
When faced with something new
How you tell me to be shh, quiet
When the puppies are sleeping.

I love how beautiful you are,
How people stop us in the street
To comment on how handsome you are

I laugh at how Mommy nursing you
On the other side,
Has led to constant requests for
Side, side, side.

I love your recent joy at being naked,
The laugh that is in your eyes
As you flee from the pursuing mommy
Exclaiming naaked!

I love that when you have something new in your hands
You have to figure out how it works
Before playing with it.

I have often been startled by how observant you are.
How you can watch me perform a complicated action with seeming disinterest,
And then replicate that action moments later.
How hiding anything from you is futile.

I love how you lay in bed at night,
And ask for Daddy's silly story about boop boop.
How you listen in silence to each word,
Occasionally miming the silly frog's actions.

I love how your eyes squeeze shut
When you know people are talking about you.
I love how you greet people so openly,
How you meet our entire plane during each flight to Singapore.

I love (mostly) how active you are,
Constantly moving, talking, climbing, discovering.
You enthusiast energy is infectious,
Often rousing Daddy and Mommy out of bed on a Saturday morning.

For all the things I have failed to mention above,
Let me just say Kieran,
I love you.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Thanks for sharing the poem--I love the vivid descriptions you use here. Beautiful!