Monday, April 02, 2007

Kieran's first sentences!

Right around our trip to Singapore (about 5 weeks ago), Kieran started using sentences for the first time! Since that time he has really expanded to using more and more sentences, many developed without any coaching! I know this is supposed to be normal child development stuff, but I find it truly amazing! Most of his sentences are 3 words, although he has managed a couple longer than that.

Some examples:

Want cook (I want to help you cook)
Want see puppies
See light (pointing at the little light on the baby monitor)
Shhh, quiet
Bottle hot! (or cold)

Now I know that every baby develops differently, so of course that fact that our boy is a little ahead in the talking arena is just a random occurrence in baby development and says nothing about his inherent genius or his parents amazing child rearing skills! ;)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Isn't it so fun watching babies learn how to talk? Here's some of Salma's sentences now:
"Amma/Abba dushtu!" (dushtu means naughty)
"Barney dao." (Give me Barney. In other words, turn on the Barney video.)
"Ami chokate cabo." (I want to eat some chocolate. She tries this one alot.)
"Ami poo-poo." (That means I have a load in my pants.)
And one of my favorites: "Amma, cholo, bazar jabo." (Mom, come on, let's go shopping.)