Friday, August 03, 2007

Chocolate Rain

The singer of this clip on YouTube has become an internet phenomenon. Maranda actually heard about the song on the radio. It is a very interesting song, and an amazing, unique voice. The lyrics are great, I could do with a bit more variation in the tempo though... This really demonstrates the power of the internet as a forum for everyone, we live in a different kind of world these days...


Melissa said...

Hmm, interesting. There's been alot of racist comments about this video, sounds like. Not sure if it was meant to be insulting or what...sounds like it was either a hack job into YouTube, or a kind of prank played by YouTube--check out this article:

Sara K. said...

Very interesting. We explored some of his other songs on youtube as well. His voice is very haunting and he looks way younger than he really is. -S