Monday, August 06, 2007

Insulted by my son

Several times recently I have been walking down our creaky hallway to Kieran's bedroom to peek in on him, and he has given me a cheerful "hi Daddy" without turning around to look at the door. Apparently he can tell if it is Mommy or Daddy based on the sound of our approach. I would like to think he recognizes my purposeful stride instead of the floor joists straining under my bulk!


WMS said...

that Kieran is a smarty! On Sunday, he found some old pretzels and started eating one... and I took it from him and said "these are old."

about 1 hour later, he found a pretzel stick in the couch or something came over to me, handed it to me and said "old"... I was like wow! the kid's really listening and watching!

You sure he's yours?

Maggie said...

There's nothing wrong with weighing more than Maranda! Even if you were as fit as you'd like to be you'd still weigh more than her I'd hope.

Melissa said...

I'm more impressed by the part that he's in his OWN ROOM! Did you hear that, Salma? How come YOU don't sleep in your own room? You big baby!